JUST TWO MORE WEEKS | The Truth Behind the Covid-19 Pandemic
We only have two weeks to get through and we’ll get our freedom back. This promise marks the start of pandemic restrictions in Hungary which…
Prof. Dr. Bardócz Zsuzsanna’s presentation at the 3rd International COVID Conference in Budapest
Food, Health and Agriculture Our nutrition determines our health because it provides the necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and fibers for our organism. 90% of…
Dr. Natalia Prego’s presentation at the 3rd International COVID Conference in Budapest
Ivermectin: a key piece in the treatment of post-covid-19 vaccine side effects After the massive vaccination campaigns around the world of covid-19, the effects of…
Ertsey Attila DLA’s presentation at the 3rd International COVID Conference in Budapest
How to build up an alternative Hungary, between East and West The artificially induced global crisis that started in 2020 is a part of a…
Medical Crisis Declaration
Doctors around the world and in Hungary are also announcing a crisis STATEMENT OF MEDICAL EMERGENCY DUE TO INCREASED ILLNESSES AND DEATHS RELATED TO COVID-19…
Dr. Walter Weber’s presentation at the 3rd International COVID Conference in Budapest
The Effects of the mRNS COVID Vaccines on Chemical and Physical Levels. Recognition and treatment of side effects, the Phenomenon of Shedding
Dr. Farkas András’s presentation at the 3rd International COVID Conference in Budapest
COVID, The Synonym for Change COVID turned up in our world in 2019. The virus, the vaccines against it, the masterplans of marketing, media hysteria…
Dr. med. Biserka Ilin’s presentation at the 3rd International COVID Conference in Budapest
Is the new WHO Convention the pathway to medical dictatorship? The WHO was established as an independent advisory body in 1948 to promote the maintenance…
Stregova Erzsébet’s presentation at the 3rd International COVID Conference in Budapest
The 2 years of media lies (MAINSTREAM) and truths of COVID – Quotes from the world’s doctors 2020-2022
Dr. med. Margareta Griesz-Brisson’s presentation at the 3rd International COVID Conference in Budapest
Times of crisis are times of chances Dr. med. Margareta Griesz-Brisson The events of the last 2.5 years unmasked our weakness and gave us a…
Tamasi József MD’s presentation at the 3rd International COVID Conference in Budapest
Where are the vaccine victims in the statistics? Where did medical ethics go in ethics committees? Where is the Hippocratic Oath in the vaccine? The…
Dr. Ormay Péter’s presentation at the 3rd International COVID Conference in Budapest in 2022
Side effects of vaccines, as seen in the dental practice
László G. Boros, M.D.’s presentation at the 3rd International COVID Conference
The COVID act in the soap opera of targeted genomic medicine Medical genomics research over the past three decades has not yielded significant results in…
Dr. Pócs Alfréd’s presentation at the 3rd International COVID Conference in Budapest
What is the truth, and what is the solution?
Dr. Jenő Páli’s presentation at the 3rd International COVID Conference in Budapest
The Mi Hazánk Movement’s COVID policy
Pamela Popper’s presentation at the 3rd International COVID Conference in Budapest
How Citizens of the World Regain Their Freedoms
Heiko Schöning MD’s presentation at the 3rd International COVID Conference in Budapest
Novavax and Emergent BioSolutions: How are vaccine makers for COVID, Anthrax and Pox are connected to a worldwide mafia?
The authority of doctors is in jeopardy
Dr. József Tamasi is an internist and specialist in social medicine. The English translation is below.
La autoridad de los médicos está en peligro inminente
El Dr. József Tamasi es médico internista y especialista en medicina social. La traducción al español está abajo.
Meeting of the COVID-19 Giants with Geert Vanden Bossche and Robert Malone MD
Geert Vanden Bossche – Expert vaccine developer (Belgium) and Robert Malone MD – Inventor of mRNA vaccines (USA).
Surprise speakers on II. COVID Budapest Conference
Dolores Cahill (Írország), a Szabadság Világszövetség elnöke mikrobiológus, immunológus, egyetemi tanár Mads Palsvig (Dánia) volt bankár, a Szabadság Világszövetség vezető tisztségviselője, a JFK21 dán párt…
17-09 Dr. Lenkei Gábor – Crime against Humanity
Dr. Lenkei Gábor, a “Cenzúrázott egészség” című könyv szerzője már sok videót készített a koronavírusról. A II. Budapesti COVID Konferencián a legfontosabb gondolatokat és szubjektív…
18-15 Dr. Maria Jose Martinez Albarracin: Severe forms of Covid-19 as an autoimmune syndrome. The impact of Covid vaccines on fertility
Due to the consequences of anti-covid social and health measures on the health, the economy and civil rights that the governments have taken to control…
17-07 Dr. Lusavina Alina Alekszandrovna, (RUS): WHO, the advertiser of the new world order, WHO ultimatum
Title of my speach: Health fascism under the guise of the WHO Our association has done tremendous expert work over the last two years. Our…
17-06 Dr. Peer Eifler (psychiatrist) (Austria – Tansania) World War III
Dr. Peer Eifler (psychiatrist) (Austria – Tansania) World War III
17-05 Markus Haintz (D): When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty
When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty
17-03 Fülep Dániel (Hungary): They themselves put the Son of God on the cross again
The key to the prosperity of the Hungarian people is hidden in the admonitions of King St. István, in the faith of the Pauline Monks…
17-08 Dr. Gődény György: Corona virus , media, politics
2020 elejére a koronavírus elsöpörte az addig uralkodó két másik világtémát, a migráció és a klíma ügyét. Lassan nyilvánvalóvá válik, hogy a koronavírus őrület is…
18-03 Dr. Stephanie Seneff PhD (USA): Environmental toxins, co-morbidities and virus replication
Dr. Seneff is talking about the disease itself, and its connection to glyphosate toxicity, about the COVID -19 vaccines concentrating on the messenger RNA vaccines.…
18-13 Dr. Alfréd Pócs (Hungary): Poison in the vaccine? – Graphene, nanoparticles
This presentation aims to disprove fact checkers’ (journalists’) argument that there is no graphene in the vaccine and that it is all a conspiracy theory.…
17-04 Jonathan Diener & Dimitrios Ioannidis (USA) – Roundtable Discussion of American Lawyers protecting medical freedom in the USA during COVID-19.
The roundtable discussion by two American lawyers was on the topic of promoting medical freedom in the US during COVID-19. Boston based attorney Dimitrios Ioannidis,…
17-02 Dr. Heiko Schöning (D) Vice President of The World Doctors Alliance, Vice President of The World Freedom Alliance – Production of COVID-19 vaccine: Who, how, what
Heiko Schöning, MD, Vice President of The World Doctors Alliance, Vice President of The World Freedom Alliance Under oath, the heads of the US-based company…
17-10 Dr. Dobos Vadim (HU): The inevitable fall of capitalism
Mindig a legfontosabb kérdés – miért? Az okokat keresve és megtalálva meg tudjuk érteni, hogy mi mozgatja az embereket, a társadalmunkat, sőt az egész világunkat,…
Canadian Province officially treats Covid-19 as nothing more than a mild flu!
Patrick King represented himself in court after being fined $1200 dollars for protesting against the Covid-Hoax, he slew the beast and emerged VICTORIOUS.
17-01 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (USA) – Greetings to Conference Participants. Historic and legal perspectives of the pandemic
He covers both the legal aspects of our efforts seeking to disapprove the emergency use of the experimental gene therapies and points out the dangers…
Dr Scott Jensen – You’re being played!
Dr Scott Jensen in his recent post: You’re being played! Do you understand what’s happening? The WHO took their foot off the gas to slow…
Over 100 links of doctors explaining why vaccins are not safe
Informations for people hasitating on taking the vaccination
Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War
Dr. Charles Morgan speaks to cadets and faculty at West Point about a range of topics, including psychology, neurobiology, and the science of humans at…
Protective Vaccines or lethal vaccines
An overview of Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects and Allergic Reactions worldwide: Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects World Map
Protest and Call to Action against the Mandatory Vaccination against the SARS-COV-2
The World Federation of Hungarians with great consternation has learned that, in contrast to long months of rhetoric, the announcement of the ChiefMinister of the…
German lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is suing the world over coronavirus
Dr Reiner Fuellmich is one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee, which since July 10, 2020, has been listening to large number…
Doctors for Clarity – Scientific Conference
21 August 2020. Budapest 9.00 – 09.15 – opening, welcome speech 09.15-10.05 – Prof.Dr. László Boros (USA) Prof. Boros Lászó M.D.: Covid-19 pandemic as the roller coasters of…
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