Prof. Dra. María José Martínez Albarracín (ESP)
- Maria José Martínez Albarracín
Due to the consequences of anti-covid social and health measures on the health, the economy and civil rights that the governments have taken
to control the pandemic, supposedly caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and due to the fact that RT-PCR and other diagnostic tests do not allow a
clinical diagnosis, it is necessary to make a study, based specifically on the clinic and pathophysiology of the COVID syndrome, to determine
whether these measures adopted are the indicated ones.
Relying on clinical studies and basic science, it is necessary to distinguish in the COVID syndrome between two very different clinical pictures:
On the one hand the mild or unimplemented COVID, similar in everything to a banal flu, may even be asymptomatic (based on RT-PCR tests
that are not indicated for clinical diagnosis) and the SEVERE COVID syndrome (to which we have given this name to differentiate it from the
flu), with the symptomatic courtship characteristic of inflammatory bilateral pneumonia, alteration of immunity in the sense of
immunodeficiency hyperinflammatory and tendency to thrombosis.On the other hand, from the international organizations: WHO and governments, the mass vaccination of the population has been proposed
as the only solution in a way to achieve a supposed group immunity, using vaccines never before tested in the population and based on gene
therapy (mRNA or vectorized DNA). These are authorized without adequate studies of efficacy and above all safety. To this end, it has been
necessary to approve and modify, also by emergency means, a series of national and international laws that prohibited the use and
experimentation with Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) for human use.The latest studies that were carried out with these vaccines, which are all based on the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, whose genetic information
will be provided to the body to reproduce it, have shown that this protein is toxic to organisms and that by acting on the ACE2 receptor it
causes cellular damage, while the antibodies directed against it will attack the cells that present it in its membrane, as is the case of vascular
endothelial cells.
- Maria José Martínez Albarracín
Maria José Martínez Albarracín, licensed in Medicine by La Universidad de Murcia in 1979. Professor of Clinical Diagnostical Processes.
Psychotherapist formed by Gestalt Therapy schools in Madrid and Murcia. Postgraduate studies in diverse Schools of Integrative Medicine.
Professional trajectory: Biochemistry, Immunology and Analytical Instrumental Technics teacher (for which got formation in the Pharmacy
Faculty of La Universidad de Alcalá de Henares and in the S.A.I. of La Universidad de Murcia) in the Superior Cycle of Professional Formation in
the “Diagnostical Clinic Laboratory”. Currently retired.