Scientific Conference Budapest, 17-18 August 2021

Budapest, 17 August 2021

17-01 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (USA) – Greetings to Conference Participants. Historic and legal perspectives of the pandemic

He covers both the legal aspects of our efforts seeking to disapprove the emergency use of the experimental gene therapies and points out the dangers of the political climate that allows these restrictions and mandates to be enforced while the global economy is about to burst. He is also sending a message, that supports the people who are being silenced to empower them to refuse the COVID vaccines and non-pharmaceutical interventions.
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Budapest, 17 August 2021 Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Uncategorized-en

17-02 Dr. Heiko Schöning (D) Vice President of The World Doctors Alliance, Vice President of The World Freedom Alliance – Production of COVID-19 vaccine: Who, how, what

Heiko Schöning, MD, Vice President of The World Doctors Alliance, Vice President of The World Freedom Alliance Under oath, the heads of the US-based company Emergent BioSolutions (EBS) admitted in 2021 to US-Congress that 15 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine were mixed with undeclared substances. 100 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine produced by EBS are on hold, and under investigation. Dr. Bruce Ivins, a direct EBS-worker form April 2000 to Feb 2002, is offically the only terrorist of the Anthrax attacks of 2001 (ANTHRAX-01, AMERITHRAX). EBS was named before BioPort, and had the monopol on Anthrax-vaccine. Now, EBS produces Corona-vaccine for AstraZenca, Novavax, Johnson&Johnson (Janssen) and others. New research shows that Dr. Richard Tubb, head and advisor of two tobacco plant based COVID-19 vaccine producers, had criminal pre-knowledge of ANTHRAX-01 as well of COVID-19.
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Budapest, 17 August 2021 Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Uncategorized-en

17-03 Fülep Dániel (Hungary): They themselves put the Son of God on the cross again

The key to the prosperity of the Hungarian people is hidden in the admonitions of King St. István, in the faith of the Pauline Monks of Keresztúr, in the Hungarian Holy Crown, in the secret of the Blessed Virgin. The tree reaching to the sky, Emese’s dream and Fehérlófia, like the shepherds’ fire, anticipates the split of dawn. And the heavens dewed, and the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us. István builds on a rock, establishes a Church, gives us a Queen. We were initiated into what the death of death was and who the flower of the world was. Our knowledge and experience are sufficient to understand the end times and fulfill our mission. This presentation explores and interprets the perilous present times and the mission of Hungarians in the light of the divine revelation.
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Budapest, 17 August 2021 Budapest, 17-18 August 2021

17-04 Jonathan Diener & Dimitrios Ioannidis (USA) – Roundtable Discussion of American Lawyers protecting medical freedom in the USA during COVID-19.

The roundtable discussion by two American lawyers was on the topic of promoting medical freedom in the US during COVID-19. Boston based attorney Dimitrios Ioannidis, a partner in a law firm practicing primarily in the areas of international law and civil litigation was joined by attorney Jonathan Diener from New Mexico, who is a member of the Americans Frontline Doctors legal team that filed papers in the Federal District Court of the District of Alabama based on an expert whistleblower’s declaration that at least 45,000 have been killed by the Covid-19 vaccine.
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Budapest, 17 August 2021 Budapest, 17-18 August 2021

17-05 Markus Haintz (D): When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty

When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty
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Budapest, 17 August 2021 Budapest, 17-18 August 2021

17-06 Dr. Peer Eifler (psychiatrist) (Austria – Tansania) World War III

Dr. Peer Eifler (psychiatrist) (Austria – Tansania) World War III
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Budapest, 17 August 2021 Budapest, 17-18 August 2021

17-07 Dr. Lusavina Alina Alekszandrovna, (RUS): WHO, the advertiser of the new world order, WHO ultimatum

Title of my speach: Health fascism under the guise of the WHO Our association has done tremendous expert work over the last two years. Our team consists of about 150 doctors from Russia, and about a hundred from the nearby neighborhood, the CIS countries. We conducted approximately 20 comprehensive studies, comprehensive medical opinions on covid measures, vaccinations, and the irresponsible actions of our domestic politicians, which led to lawsuits against them.
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Budapest, 17 August 2021 Budapest, 17-18 August 2021

17-08 Dr. Gődény György: Corona virus , media, politics

2020 elejére a koronavírus elsöpörte az addig uralkodó két másik világtémát, a migráció és a klíma ügyét. Lassan nyilvánvalóvá válik, hogy a koronavírus őrület is egy okkal létrehozott folyamat, amelyhez kapcsolódó intézkedéseket megtapasztalva egyértelműen felismerhető, hogy mögötte elsősorban az a törekvés húzódik meg, hogy az ellenőrzöttség és az engedelmesség minél hatékonyabb globális rendszere tudjon létrejönni. Ezt pedig egy komplex manipulációs gépezet működteti, amely mögött a pénzhatalmi rendszer legfontosabb kiszolgálója, a globális véleményhatalomként működő média áll, és uralja az információs csatornákat. A független, szabad és objektív sajtó – legyen az elektronikus vagy nyomtatott – már a kezdetektől fogva utópia. Mindezek következtében egy széteső, a totális káosz felé haladó világban élünk. Ami van, lassan vagy inkább egyre gyorsabban hullik darabjaira. Eközben abban reménykedünk, hogy ha majd egyszer véget ér a járvány, és a kényszerű világ-leállás, akkor minden ugyanott folytatódik, ahol előtte abba maradt. Eszünkbe sem jut, hogy éppen az a világ amelyben élünk termeli újra azokat a roppant veszélyeket, amelyeknek következményeit most is elszenvedjük, és bármilyen bizonytalan és kockázatos is, de új irányt kell választanunk, ha egyszer valóban biztonságos és emberséges világot szeretnénk.
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Budapest, 17 August 2021 Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Írások Uncategorized-en Videók

17-09 Dr. Lenkei Gábor – Crime against Humanity

Dr. Lenkei Gábor, a "Cenzúrázott egészség" című könyv szerzője már sok videót készített a koronavírusról. A II. Budapesti COVID Konferencián a legfontosabb gondolatokat és szubjektív véleményét tárta a résztvevők elé, hogy miként látja ő ezt a helyzetet.
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Budapest, 17 August 2021 Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Uncategorized-en

17-10 Dr. Dobos Vadim (HU): The inevitable fall of capitalism

Mindig a legfontosabb kérdés – miért? Az okokat keresve és megtalálva meg tudjuk érteni, hogy mi mozgatja az embereket, a társadalmunkat, sőt az egész világunkat, így logikusan gondolkodva meg tudjuk jósolni a folyamatok lehetséges kimenetelét, meg tudjuk jövendölni a várható változásokat. A kapitalista rendszer Angliában alakult ki az ide települt velencei bankárok, valamint az ipari forradalom hatására. Azóta ez a gazdasági-szociális berendezkedés meghódította az egész világot, az ismert történelemben az első valóban globális gazdasági-társadalmi rendszert hozva létre.
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Általános Budapest, 17 August 2021 Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Conference Írások Uncategorized-en Videók

17-11 Ertsey Attila (HU) – The Great Reset and our Agenda disguised as an epidemic – Humanity at crossroads

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Budapest, 17 August 2021 Budapest, 17-18 August 2021

17-12 Dr. Pinkie Feinstein: The Good People Shall Prevail!

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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 18 August 2021 Uncategorized-en

18-01 Dr. Bardócz Zsuzsa (Hungary): Transition from the past into the future

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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 18 August 2021

18-02 Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (Germany): Covid vaccines

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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 18 August 2021

18-03 Dr. Stephanie Seneff PhD (USA): Environmental toxins, co-morbidities and virus replication

Dr. Seneff is talking about the disease itself, and its connection to glyphosate toxicity, about the COVID -19 vaccines concentrating on the messenger RNA vaccines. In her talk she is focusing on the immune cells, their mitochondrial defects that are caused by glyphosate and how that impacts COVID-19 disease consequences. She is also emphasizing the importance of NAD(P)(H) Redox System to Mitochondrial Health and how deuterium and mitochondria disrupts their function. She talks about the exosomes and MicroRNAs. She is specifically talking about the spike antibodies and their potential to cause autoimmune disease, and about the reverse transcription and the potential for the spike RNA to become DNA and to become a permanent part of human DNA. All this in the light of deutenomics and deuterium metabolism.
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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 18 August 2021 Uncategorized-en

18-04 Dr. Judy Mikovits: Reverse Transcription Beyond HIV AIDS: a 2021 update on Deutenomics

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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 18 August 2021 Uncategorized-en

18-05 Dr. Ormay Péter (Hungary): Effect of SARS-CoV2 vaccines in the field of dentistry

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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 18 August 2021

18-06 Dr. Arieh Avni: Situation in Israel nowadays

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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 18 August 2021 Uncategorized-en

18-07 Dr. Kiricsenko Jelena Nyikolajevna, (Russia, Briansk): Covidfascism and gene therapy

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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 18 August 2021 Uncategorized-en

18-08 Dr. Aina Bakeeva (Kazakhstan): Persecution of honest doctors by the system

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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 18 August 2021 Uncategorized-en

18-09 Kate Birch (USA): Homeopathic research of coronavirus nosode

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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 18 August 2021 Uncategorized-en

18-10 Dr. Alexandra Henrion Caude (France): The arguments of genetics to avoid vaccination

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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 18 August 2021 Uncategorized-en

18-11 Dr. Alina Lessenich: Protection from shedding

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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 18 August 2021 Uncategorized-en

18-12 Dr. Walter Weber (Germany): Medicine during the Corona epidemic

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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 18 August 2021 Uncategorized-en

18-13 Dr. Alfréd Pócs (Hungary): Poison in the vaccine? – Graphene, nanoparticles

This presentation aims to disprove fact checkers’ (journalists’) argument that there is no graphene in the vaccine and that it is all a conspiracy theory. To this end, we have collected scientific articles on the use, properties, and health effects of the nanostructured material: graphene. Graphene is an atomic-scale, light and thin substance with good thermal and electrical conductivity, but chemically toxic in the body. Research by La Quinta Columna (biostatistician Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano), by electron microscopy and light spectroscopy, clearly shows that Covid injections may contain graphene up to 99%. If there is poison in the injection, it is a deliberate destruction of health, as underpinned by this paper, considering the high graphene content in face masks, PCR swabs and the new intranasal vaccines. Although the special medical application of graphene may be therapeutic in certain cases, its mass injection is certainly harmful. Mention must also be made of its delivery to the nervous system, where, by its attachment to a nerve cell, mental manipulation (emotional and intellectual conditioning, deletion or creation of memory) can be performed. Its symptoms in the human body are the induction of oxidative stress, thrombosis, bilateral pneumonia in the lungs,...
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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 18 August 2021 Uncategorized-en

18-14 Dr. József Tamasi (Hungary): The vaccinated might be saved

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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 17 August 2021 Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 18 August 2021 Uncategorized-en

18-15 Dr. Maria Jose Martinez Albarracin: Severe forms of Covid-19 as an autoimmune syndrome. The impact of Covid vaccines on fertility

Due to the consequences of anti-covid social and health measures on the health, the economy and civil rights that the governments have taken to control the pandemic, supposedly caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and due to the fact that RT-PCR and other diagnostic tests do not allow a clinical diagnosis, it is necessary to make a study, based specifically on the clinic and pathophysiology of the COVID syndrome, to determine whether these measures adopted are the indicated ones. Relying on clinical studies and basic science, it is necessary to distinguish in the COVID syndrome between two very different clinical pictures: On the one hand the mild or unimplemented COVID, similar in everything to a banal flu, may even be asymptomatic (based on RT-PCR tests that are not indicated for clinical diagnosis) and the SEVERE COVID syndrome (to which we have given this name to differentiate it from the flu), with the symptomatic courtship characteristic of inflammatory bilateral pneumonia, alteration of immunity in the sense of immunodeficiency hyperinflammatory and tendency to thrombosis. On the other hand, from the international organizations: WHO and governments, the mass vaccination of the population has been proposed as the only solution in a way to achieve...
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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 18 August 2021 Uncategorized-en

18-16 Dra. Natalia Prego Cancelo: Repression and liberation

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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Budapest, 18 August 2021 Uncategorized-en

18-17 Prof. Dra. Chinda Brandolino (ARG): Annulation of dignity: Vaccines, pandemic, slavery

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Budapest, 17-18 August 2021 Main page Uncategorized-en

Program of Conference

Conference in Budapest 17-18 August, 2021.
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  • Program of Conference

    17.08.2021. Tuesday

    14.00 – 14.15 Opening of the Conference

    14.15 – 14.45.
    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (USA)
    Greetings to Conference Participants. Historic and legal perspectives of the pandemic (25 mins.)

    14.45 – 15.05
    Dr. Heiko Schöning (Germany) Vice President of The World Doctors Alliance, Vice President of The World Freedom Alliance
    Production of COVID-19 vaccine: Who, how, what (20 mins.)

    15.05 – 15.25
    Fülep Dániel (Hungary)
    They themselves put the Son of God on the cross again (Epistle to the Hebrews 6,6)

    15.25 – 16.30
    Jonathan Diener & Dimitrios Ioannidis (USA)
    Roundtable Discussion of American Lawyers protecting medical freedom in the USA during COVID-19.

    16.30 – 16.45
    Markus Haintz (Germany)
    When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty

    16.45 – 17.15 Break

    17.15 -17.25
    Dr. Peer Eifler (psychiatrist) (Austria – Tansania)
    World War III

    17.25 – 17.50
    Dr. Lusavina Alina Alekszandrovna, (Russia) medical doctor, neurologist, representative of the Allience of Independent Doctors, Russia, Samara
    WHO, the advertiser of the new world order, WHO ultimatum

    17.50 – 18.05
    Dr. Gődény György
    Corona virus , media, politics

    18.05 – 18.20
    Dr. Lenkei Gábor
    Crime against Humanity

    18.20 – 18.40
    Dr. Dobos Vadim
    The inevitable fall of capitalism,

    18.40- 18.55
    Ertsey Attila DLA: (Hungary)
    The Great Reset and our Agendadisguised as an epidemic – Humanity at crossroads

    18.55 – 19.00
    Dr. Pinkie Feinstein Psychiatrist, founder and president of the Independent Civilian Investigation Committee of Israel In Israel’s Worldwide Rally for Freedom:
    The Light People Shall Prevail!

    18.08.2021. Wednesday

    09.00– 09.40
    Prof. Dr. Bardócz Zsuzsa (Hungary, Scotland):
    Transition from the past into the future

    Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (Germany)
    Covid vaccines

    10.20 – 11.10
    Dr. Stephanie Seneff PhD (USA)
    Environmental toxins, co-morbidities and virus replication

    11.10 – 12.00 Break

    12.00 – 12.25
    Dr. Judy Mikovits PhD (USA)
    Reverse Transcription Beyond HIV AIDS: a 2021 update on Deutenomics (25 mins.)

    12.25 – 12.40
    Dr. Ormay Péter
    Effect of SARS-CoV2 vaccines in the field of dentistry

    12.40 – 12.50
    Dr. Arieh Avni, surgeon, gastroenterologist, naturopathic doctor
    The situation in Israel now

    12.50 – 13.05
    Dr. Kiricsenko Jelena Nyikolajevna, (Russia, Briansk) Chemist, molecular geneticist
    Covidfascism and gene therapy

    13.05 – 13.15
    Dr. Ajna Bekejeva, (doctor-therapist, member of the Association of Independent Doctors of Kazakhstan)
    The corona virus is not a very dangerous infection
    Tactics of healing beyond the WHO protocol

    13.15 – 14.00 Break

    14.00 – 14.30
    Kate Birch USA
    Homeopathic research of coronavirus nosode

    14.30 – 15.00
    Dr. Alexandra Henrion Caude (France ), geneticist, researcher
    The arguments of genetics to avoid vaccination

    15.00 – 15.20
    Dr. Alina Lessenich – Detox Protocol of COVID Vaccines
    Protection from shedding

    15.20 – 15.40
    Dr. Walter Weber (Germany)
    Medicine during the Corona epidemic

    15.40 – 15.55
    Dr.Pócs Alfréd (Hungary)
    Poison in the vaccine? – Graphene, nanoparticles

    15.55 – 16.10
    Dr.Tamasi József
    The vaccinated might be saved

    16.10 – 16.30
    Prof. Dra. María José Martínez Albarracín, member of the Spanish „Doctors for the Truth” movement
    Severe forms of Covid-19 as an autoimmune syndrome. The impact of Covid vaccines on fertility

    16.30 – 17.00 Break

    17.00 – 17.30
    Dra. Natalia Prego Cancelo, GP, founding member of the Spanish „Doctors for the Truth” movement
    Repression and liberation

    17.30 – 18.00
    Prof. Dra. Chinda Brandolino, Internist, phlebologist-lymphologist, forensic expert, occupational physician, bioethicist, member of the Argentine “Doctors for the Truth” movement
    Annulation of dignity: Vaccines, pandemic, slavery