Program of Conference

17.08.2021. Tuesday

14.00 – 14.15 Opening of the Conference

14.15 – 14.45.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (USA)
Greetings to Conference Participants. Historic and legal perspectives of the pandemic (25 mins.)

14.45 – 15.05
Dr. Heiko Schöning (Germany) Vice President of The World Doctors Alliance, Vice President of The World Freedom Alliance
Production of COVID-19 vaccine: Who, how, what (20 mins.)

15.05 – 15.25
Fülep Dániel (Hungary)
They themselves put the Son of God on the cross again (Epistle to the Hebrews 6,6)

15.25 – 16.30
Jonathan Diener & Dimitrios Ioannidis (USA)
Roundtable Discussion of American Lawyers protecting medical freedom in the USA during COVID-19.

16.30 – 16.45
Markus Haintz (Germany)
When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty

16.45 – 17.15 Break

17.15 -17.25
Dr. Peer Eifler (psychiatrist) (Austria – Tansania)
World War III

17.25 – 17.50
Dr. Lusavina Alina Alekszandrovna, (Russia) medical doctor, neurologist, representative of the Allience of Independent Doctors, Russia, Samara
WHO, the advertiser of the new world order, WHO ultimatum

17.50 – 18.05
Dr. Gődény György
Corona virus , media, politics

18.05 – 18.20
Dr. Lenkei Gábor
Crime against Humanity

18.20 – 18.40
Dr. Dobos Vadim
The inevitable fall of capitalism,

18.40- 18.55
Ertsey Attila DLA: (Hungary)
The Great Reset and our Agendadisguised as an epidemic – Humanity at crossroads

18.55 – 19.00
Dr. Pinkie Feinstein Psychiatrist, founder and president of the Independent Civilian Investigation Committee of Israel In Israel’s Worldwide Rally for Freedom:
The Light People Shall Prevail!

18.08.2021. Wednesday

09.00– 09.40
Prof. Dr. Bardócz Zsuzsa (Hungary, Scotland):
Transition from the past into the future

Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (Germany)
Covid vaccines

10.20 – 11.10
Dr. Stephanie Seneff PhD (USA)
Environmental toxins, co-morbidities and virus replication

11.10 – 12.00 Break

12.00 – 12.25
Dr. Judy Mikovits PhD (USA)
Reverse Transcription Beyond HIV AIDS: a 2021 update on Deutenomics (25 mins.)

12.25 – 12.40
Dr. Ormay Péter
Effect of SARS-CoV2 vaccines in the field of dentistry

12.40 – 12.50
Dr. Arieh Avni, surgeon, gastroenterologist, naturopathic doctor
The situation in Israel now

12.50 – 13.05
Dr. Kiricsenko Jelena Nyikolajevna, (Russia, Briansk) Chemist, molecular geneticist
Covidfascism and gene therapy

13.05 – 13.15
Dr. Ajna Bekejeva, (doctor-therapist, member of the Association of Independent Doctors of Kazakhstan)
The corona virus is not a very dangerous infection
Tactics of healing beyond the WHO protocol

13.15 – 14.00 Break

14.00 – 14.30
Kate Birch USA
Homeopathic research of coronavirus nosode

14.30 – 15.00
Dr. Alexandra Henrion Caude (France ), geneticist, researcher
The arguments of genetics to avoid vaccination

15.00 – 15.20
Dr. Alina Lessenich – Detox Protocol of COVID Vaccines
Protection from shedding

15.20 – 15.40
Dr. Walter Weber (Germany)
Medicine during the Corona epidemic

15.40 – 15.55
Dr.Pócs Alfréd (Hungary)
Poison in the vaccine? – Graphene, nanoparticles

15.55 – 16.10
Dr.Tamasi József
The vaccinated might be saved

16.10 – 16.30
Prof. Dra. María José Martínez Albarracín, member of the Spanish „Doctors for the Truth” movement
Severe forms of Covid-19 as an autoimmune syndrome. The impact of Covid vaccines on fertility

16.30 – 17.00 Break

17.00 – 17.30
Dra. Natalia Prego Cancelo, GP, founding member of the Spanish „Doctors for the Truth” movement
Repression and liberation

17.30 – 18.00
Prof. Dra. Chinda Brandolino, Internist, phlebologist-lymphologist, forensic expert, occupational physician, bioethicist, member of the Argentine “Doctors for the Truth” movement
Annulation of dignity: Vaccines, pandemic, slavery

4 thoughts on “Program of Conference

  1. Please let me know how can we join the conference or how can I access to the above conference? Thanks in advance.

    1. At the time of the conference there will be a link on the website where you can follow the whole conference live.
      Conference starts 17th August 2pm and 18th August 9am according to Budapest timezone (GMT+2).

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